
檔案英文版的自我評價怎么寫3篇 英文版的自我評價簡歷

時間:2022-09-07 00:00:00 簡歷模板

  下面是范文網小編整理的檔案英文版的自我評價怎么寫3篇 英文版的自我評價簡歷,供大家參閱。

檔案英文版的自我評價怎么寫3篇 英文版的自我評價簡歷



  多年在外的求學經歷和成長過程,塑造了我剛直、堅韌 、積極、勤奮的品質。邁出校門,我盡情的綻放著自己的光彩,普通話標準,形象氣質佳,表達能力強。責任心強,邏輯思維能力強,性格樂觀開朗,溝通能力強、具有良好的團隊協(xié)作能力。



  University life is coming to an end, in the graduation of the three years of their own learning and life to make a summary and identification: during school, in school guidance, the teacher's teachings, students with the help of continuous learning through theoretical knowledge And participate in social practice, consciously their overall quality has been improved to a large extent, and strive to shape themselves as a professional solid foundation, knowledge structure, adaptability, with the spirit of group collaboration of young people.

  Of course, I still have many shortcomings, such as:

  First, the academic performance is not very good, three years, although my results have been improving, but always reach the ideal state, mainly due to the foundation is weak, and just entered the university, the learning environment becomes loose , And learn more need is autonomy, so long-term teachers, parents, under the supervision of me, once lost the direction and motivation, but fortunately later in the teachers, counselors and students with the help of me lost in the backThe direction to catch up, but also fell a number of courses.

  Second, the connection with the students is not close enough, and students less communication, mainly due to their schedule of work and rest is not reasonable enough, not very effective work and study, leading to the use of time tension, inadvertently reduced communication with the students time. Secondly, because of their more introverted personality, talkative, and worry about looking for students to exchange will interrupt their rest, resulting in not actively and students to communicate and understand the students are feeling.


  作文檔案袋評價方式,可以調動學生的寫作積極性,改變以往教師和學生通過評語交流作文的方式。讓學生通過自評,互評,小組評議等方式參與其中,在自我認識和反思中得到提升和發(fā)展。同時輔以教師的指導,事半功倍的提高了學生的習作水平。習作檔案袋里收錄了學生各個階段的習作,學生在整理時能夠看到自己的進步,這可以大大提高他們寫作的信心。但是作文檔案袋也有它值得改進的地方:工作量大,耗費時間長,而且評價的標準比較單一。 在我們班級,每位學生都擁有一個成長檔案袋。里面收錄了學生獲得的獎狀、與小伙伴們的合影、每學期的學習計劃、每次考試的試卷,家長通知書……。這些都記錄了學生成長的點點滴滴,展示了學生在努力學習前后所取得的進步和成績。同時學生在制作檔案袋過程中也可以反思他們學習的過程,這不僅使學生增強了的自信心和自豪感也為老師﹑家長提供了學生進步的記錄。


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