15. Cost an arm and a leg
[實際意思]:價格非常昂貴。變形體:Pay an arm and a leg. 兩條習語的是一樣的哦~E.g.: These opera tickets cost us an arm and a leg!
不要傻傻的再用expensive這么普通的詞了~ Lexical Resource UP UP UP!!!
16. Crocodile tears
E.g.: She dropped a few crocodile tears over her husband’s death then got his insurance money and married again two weeks later.
我們中文里面也有鱷魚的眼淚這種說法哦,形容人假惺惺的掉眼淚~17. Rain cats and dogs
E.g.: It rained cats and dogs yesterday, so we had to cancel the football match.
天上當然不可能下貓下狗啦~ 當然也是不可能下錢的~~~18. Give someone the bird
E.g.: When the actress forgot her lines, the audience gave her the bird.
給某人一只鳥居然是喝倒彩的意思!~小編剛學會的時候,也是驚到了~19. Kill two birds with one stone
E.g.: He killed two birds with one stone by having dinner at histutor’s place.
相信這個習語童鞋們都已經(jīng)知道啦~ 但是能運用的時候記得要用哦~20. Put on the dog
E.g.: They put on the dog in front of their guests, but the guests were not impressed.
原來形容別人炫富是這樣說的!~ 以后小伙伴們想吐槽的時候不會詞窮啦~
5 no bed of roses =difficult=not easy 不簡單,好難
Her job is no bed of roses. 她的工作并不稱心如意。
Professional boxing is no bed of roses. 職業(yè)拳擊不是一碗好吃的飯。
6 Oops a daisy! =Oops! 表示很驚訝,語氣詞
----Sharon, you've forgotten to turn off the microphone after class.
-----Oops a daisy! Silly me.
7 shrinking violet 羞怯的人;畏首畏尾的人
If you continue to be a shrinking violet, you will never be noticed by the girl. 如果你老這么愛害羞,那你永遠也不會被她注意到。
8 nip sth. in the bud 把事情扼殺在萌芽狀態(tài)=stop th. at an early stage
We should nip it in the bud before it gets any worse. 我們應該在事態(tài)惡化前就將其扼殺在萌芽期。
If you see a bad habit begin to develop, try to nip it in the bud so that it does not becomeingrained. 如果你看到某個壞習慣正在逐漸形成,趕緊將它扼殺于萌芽狀態(tài),以免它日后變得根深蒂固。
You must take immediate action and nip it in the bud. 你必須立刻采取行動,防患于未然。
9 smell the roses =appreciate what is often ignored 放松一下,休息一會兒
You gotta stop and smell the roses sometimes.
Sometimes I like to stop and smell the roses and take my dog on a walk. 有時候我會停下來,放松一會,遛遛狗。
1 come up smelling of roses 在丑聞中還能名譽不受損 (用于人物類話題)
The scandal could have ruined her reputation, but she came up smelling of roses. 這個丑聞本來可以讓她名譽不受損,但她完全沒有受影響。
2 go to seed (=to decline in quality or appearance) 外表,品質(zhì)衰退,下降
After having children, he started to go to seed. He didn't look so good anymore. 生完小孩之后,他就開始看著不那么好了。
He's seventy now, and is beginning to go to seed. 他現(xiàn)在七十歲了,開始衰老了。
Don't let yourself go to seed when you reach middle age! 你不要人到中年就不修邊幅了。
3 as fresh as a daisy 精力充沛的,充滿活力的
Even when it's so hot, she looks as fresh as a daisy. 即使這樣熱的天氣,她看上去還是充滿 青春 活力。
He woke up as fresh as a daisy after his long sleep. 他睡了一大覺起來,顯得精神飽滿。
4 a late bloomer 大器晚成的人,身體發(fā)育晚的人
Murakami was a late bloomer, writing his first work at age 29. 村上春樹大器晚成,29歲才寫他的第一部作品。
Despite all of her evident athletic talent and all of her personal sacrifices, Li Na was a late bloomer in tennis, which is one reason — but only one reason — it feels as if she retired too soon. 盡管運動天賦非凡,在個人生活中也做出了極大的犧牲,但李娜仍是屬于大器晚成的網(wǎng)球運動員。 這是她的退役讓人感覺實在太早的原因之一,然而,這絕非唯一的原因。
He said: “My father always said to me I would be a late bloomer. I believe I'm the oldestperson to win this award.” 他說:“我爸爸總是對我說我是個大器晚成的人。我相信我是獲得這個獎項里最老的人了?!?/p>
Having always been below average in height, my son proved to be a late bloomer, growing6 inches during his first year in college. 我兒子算是一個后長個的,因為他一直在高度上低于平均身高,但是在大學的第一年里他就長了6英寸。