

時間:2022-08-26 09:38:40 教案




  Good morning, are you today? Ok, good, my name is Gary.(Phonetic) I put here one, two, three, I say 1, you say Ga, 2, ry, 3, Gary together, ok? Excellent Is everyone here? Ok, very good.

  Everybody stand up are going to play a you ready? Sit down if you are down if you are up if you have short hair Stand up if you have , you did a good sit down.

  How many students we have today? Eight students, ok We are going to have two , two, three, four, you guys are in the blue , two, three, four, you guys are in the red you do a good job, you can get a point for your you go to the top, you can get a will see which team will get more stars.

  First let's have a review of yesterday’s we learn yesterday? Yes, some you gue what animals behind? Who likes bone? Good job, dog like has a long like banana? Monkey like is has white hair? Sheep has white likes can fly? Bird can can has long nose? Elephant has long is very big.

  1 / 3 Who can swim? Fish can lives in water.

  Ok, now, it’s time to get your need two students from each wants to try? Be brave, , Mike and Yuky come up to the front, say dog, you touch the you ready? Ok, tiger, monkey…..You two did a very good back to your seat, , this time, I touch the dog, you are going to say dog.

  Ok,now, everybody together.(Phonetic one by one with some games) (I say dog, you say D, you say O and you say G.) Now, it’s your time to get points for your need volunteers.

  Ok, Gary and say dog and you are going to touch the you ready? Ok, this time, I say DDD, you touch the dog.

  You two did a very good back to your seat, please.

  Who is shaking? Yes, Gary is , look at the picture, who is shaking? Yes, fish is I say fish is shaking, you do like this (action).Super, when I say who is shaking? You are going to say Fish Fish ?

  Now, we're going to have a new leon ’s this? Well done, it’s a burger.(phonetic)(action: left hand bur, right hand ger) Is burger an animal? No, it’s is is yummy. Do you like burger?

  OK, I like burger we are going to make a burger.

  What’s this? Good, it’s a many boxes are there? Excellent, there are six you gue what is in boxes? It’s something to make , ok, let’s see what is in is a tomato.(phonetic).Tomato is is ’s a your are going to cut , show me your together, Tomato, Tomato, is ready.

  2 / 3

  Look, here we have tomato, tomato, what is next? Ok, nice try.

  Tomato, tomato, chicken, Everybody ,chicken,gue Chick Chicken fish

  I say tomato, you do this, I say chicken, you do this, Tomato,tomato, chicken……

  Ok, this time, If I will do this, you are going to say tomato.(action) I put a mouth on the you see mouth you say “moa, moa” I put a hand on the you see had you clap your hands.

  What’s this? It’s a red you have heart? Yes, everybody has it is? Yes, it is inside your you like something, your heart becomes “bong bong…” I like burgers, burgers, burgers A burger is yummy, yummy, yummy, make ,ok, Every body 's all for today. See you tomorrow.

  3 / 3









  多有趣的名字啊,叫虎卻不是動物,爬山虎不僅有趣,長得也很美呢,請大家把語文書翻到119頁。這篇課文大家都預習過了,對不對。 預習反饋:


  接下來,我們就來檢查一下這些生字放在課文中你們能不能讀對? 開火車,一人讀一節(jié)。其他同學認真聽,如果他讀錯了,等他讀完了你們要糾正他。一邊聽,一邊想,課文的哪一小節(jié)寫了爬山虎的葉子?(3分鐘) (6-10分鐘講2小節(jié))




  讀了第2小節(jié),你覺得爬山虎美在哪里?(自由散點回答) 接下來,我們重點來看第2小節(jié)的最后兩句。



“均勻”在現(xiàn)代漢語大詞典中的意思是:事物各部分的數(shù)量分布相等。 在文章當中,均勻就是葉子不重疊,也不留空隙。 在最后一句中有兩個生字,一個是拂,拂是形聲字,左邊表意,右邊表聲,注意右邊的筆順,請看老師書寫的筆順,是橫折、橫、豎折折勾,撇、豎。(板書:拂)大家回去寫的時候也要注意這個字的筆順。

  我們想一想,如果把拂字換成吹字,你覺得好嗎?為什么? 拂是表現(xiàn)風很輕柔的掠過爬山虎。











  現(xiàn)在呢,老師就來檢驗一下你們的默讀成果,誰愿意來交流你找到的句子呀?(2-3個人讀) 評價字音:莖jing柄bing 后鼻音


  板書:(讀了這句話你知道了爬山虎的腳的什么?) 位置 樣子 顏色






  好,這一遍,不少小朋友都能做到不動嘴唇。你們看,這樣讀書,我們的速度也變快了。 請哪位小朋友說一下爬山虎是怎么爬的呢? (引讀)我們一起來看,配合著讀一讀。 現(xiàn)在你發(fā)現(xiàn)了嗎?有哪些詞比較關鍵?


  現(xiàn)在我們來看爬山虎是怎么爬的?(出示動畫) 一邊看,一邊解說文中的語句。(注意詞句精煉) “這樣”一腳一腳往上爬,這樣是哪樣呢?







  Good morning, are you today? Ok, good, my name is Gary.(Phonetic) I put here one, two, three, I say 1, you say Ga, 2, ry, 3, Gary together, ok? Excellent Is everyone here? Ok, very good.

  Everybody stand up are going to play a you ready? Sit down if you are down if you are up if you have short hair Stand up if you have , you did a good sit down.

  How many students we have today? Eight students, ok We are going to have two , two, three, four, you guys are in the blue , two, three, four, you guys are in the red you do a good job, you can get a point for your you go to the top, you can get a will see which team will get more stars.

  First let's have a review of yesterday’s we learn yesterday? Yes, some you gue what animals behind? Who likes bone? Good job, dog has a long like banana? Monkey like is has white hair? Sheep has white likes can fly? Bird can can has long nose? Elephant has long is very can swim? Fish can lives in water.

  Ok, now, it’s time to get your need two students from each wants to try? Be brave, , Mike and Yuky come up to the front, say dog, you touch the you ready? Ok, tiger, monkey…..You two did a very good back to your seat, , this time, I touch the dog, you are going to say dog.

  Ok,now,everybody together.(Phonetic one by one with some games) (I say dog, you say D, you say O and you say G.) Now, it’s your time to get points for your need volunteers.

  Ok, Gary and say dog and you are going to touch the you ready? Ok, this time, I say DDD, you touch the two did a very good back to your seat, please.

  Who is shaking? Yes, Gary is , look at the picture, who is shaking? Yes, fish is I say fish is shaking, you do like this (action).Super, when I say who is shaking? You are going to say Fish ?

  Now, we're going to have a new leon ’s this? Well done, it’s a burger.(phonetic)(action: left hand bur, right hand ger) Is burgeran animal? No, it’s is is yummy. Do you like burger?

  OK, I like burger we are going to make a burger.

  What’s this? Good, it’s a many boxes are there? Excellent, there are six you gue what is in boxes? It’s something to make , ok, let’s see what is in is a tomato.(phonetic).Tomato is is ’s a your are going to cut , show me your together, Tomato, Tomato, is ready.

  Look, here we have tomato, tomato, what is next? Ok, nice try.

  Tomato, tomato, chicken,Everybody ,chicken,gue Chick Chicken fish

  I say tomato, you do this, I say chicken, you do this, Tomato,tomato, chicken……

  Ok, this time, IfI will do this, you are going to say tomato.(action) I put a mouth on the you see mouth you say “moa, moa” I put a hand on the you see had you clap your hands.

  What’s this? It’s a red you have heart? Yes, everybody has it is? Yes, it is inside your you like something, your heart becomes “bong bong…” I like burgers, burgers, burgers A burger is yummy, yummy, yummy, make ,ok, Every body 's all for you tomorrow.
