Nepal Sets New Rules for Qomolangma Climbers After Deadly Season
All climbers seeking a permit for Qomolangma must have prior high altitude mountaineering experience and demonstrable training, a high-level commission for the Nepalese government has ruled.
The recommendation was issued by the body charged with looking at the issue of high-altitude safety after one of the deadliest seasons in recent years on Qomolangma, which was blamed on inexperience and crowding near the summit.
Eleven climbers were killed or went missing on the 8,850-metre mountain in May, nine on the Nepalese side and two on the Tibetan side.
The Nepalese panel – made up of government officials, climbing experts and agencies representing the climbing community – was set up after climbers and guides criticised officials for allowing anyone who paid $11,000 to attempt to climb Qomolangma. Some veteran guiding companies had long warned of the dangerous consequences of inexperience and crowds on the summit slopes.
“Climbers to [Qomolangma] and other 8,000-metre mountains must undergo basic and high altitude climbing training,” the panel said in the report it submitted to the government.
It said that those hoping to climb Qomolangma must have climbed at least one Nepalese peak of more than 6,500-metres before getting a permit. Climbers must also submit a certificate of good health and physical fitness and be accompanied by a trained Nepalese guide.
Mira Acharya, a member of the panel, said: “Climbers died due to altitude sickness, heart attack, exhaustion or weaknesses, and not due to traffic jams”. She said the compulsory provision of guides for each climber was to discourage solo attempts, which put lives at risk.
The panel’s report also proposes a fee of at least $35,000 for those wanting to climb Qomolangma, and $20,000 for other mountains higher than 8,000m.
Nepal is home to eight of the world’s 14 highest mountains, and mountain climbing is a key source of employment and income for the poor nation.
The numbers attempting the climb in May led to bottlenecks in the “death zone”, where very low oxygen levels put lives at risk. Oxygen cylinders ran out while as many as 100 people waited in the queue.
The issues were underlined by Simon Lowe, the managing director of UK-based Jagged Globe, who said this year’s crowding had aggravated an underlying issue of lack of experience.
英國公司Jagged Globe的總經(jīng)理西蒙·洛強調(diào)了這一問題,他表示今年珠峰的擁堵加重了缺乏經(jīng)驗的潛在問題。
“That is incompetent climbers being led by incompetent teams,” Lowe said. “If you go up with a bare minimum bottles of supplementary oxygen and stand in a queue for ages that is going to cause problems.”
Without reforms such as those suggested by the panel, Lowe said guiding on the mountain by responsible companies could become untenable.
Nepal issued 381 permits for Qomolangma for this year’s climbing season, which tends to culminate in May, when the daylight and weather are the most forgiving.
Ghanshyam Upadhyaya, a senior tourism ministry official, said the recommendations would be implemented. “The government will now make the required changes in laws and regulations guiding mountain climbing,” he told Reuters.
Mosquitoes Have Shaped Societies as Well as Decimating Them
During the second world war, American troops in the Far East were said to have two foes. The first was Japanese. One propaganda poster depicted an enemy’s sabre, slick with blood. The second adversary had no sword but was terrifying all the same. Malaria-carrying mosquitoes infected around 60% of Americans stationed in the Pacific at least once. Drugs such as Atabrine could help, but nasty side-effects meant that some GIs shunned their daily dose – with predictable consequences. “These Men Didn’t Take Their Atabrine” warned a sign propped below a pair of human skulls in Papua New Guinea.
At least decent treatment was available. For most of human existence, says Timothy Winegard in his lively history of mosquitoes, “we did not stand a chance” against the insect and its diseases. That was partly because of ignorance. Earlier humans blamed malaria and its mosquito-borne cousins on “bad air” from swamps, even as the years passed and death kept whining at their ears. Malaria once killed over 20% of people in the Fens of eastern England. Yellow fever ravaged Memphis, Tennessee, deep into the 1800s. No wonder Mr Winegard calls the mosquito a “destroyer of worlds”, which may have dispatched around half of all humans ever born.
But his book is more than a litany of victims. Mr Winegard convincingly argues that the insect has shaped human life as well as delivering death. Mosquitoes helped save the Romans from Hannibal and Europe from the Mongols. And if malaria has changed history, so has resistance to it. Europeans believed that the relative immunity enjoyed by some Africans made them ideal slaves in the New World. Later, the tables were turned. “They will fight well at first, but soon they will fall sick and die like flies,” predicted Toussaint Louverture of the Frenchmen sent to end his slave revolution in Haiti. He was right. About 85% of the 65,000 soldiers deployed to the colony died of mosquito-borne illnesses, and Haiti won its independence.
These dashes across time and distance could become exhausting, but Mr Winegard is an engaging guide, especially when he combines analysis with anecdote. One highlight relays a bizarre plot by a Confederate zealot to infect Abraham Lincoln with yellow fever; another passage explains the ancient Egyptian habit of fighting malarial fevers by bathing in urine. (A few of the witticisms fall flat. Calling the 18th-century Caribbean a “dinner-party buffet” for mosquitoes seems glib, for example; anthropomorphising the pests as a “guerrilla force” is a metaphor too far.)
But much of Mr Winegard’s narrative is thrilling – above all the concluding chapters in which he tackles the modern mosquito. Drugs and insecticides have helped slash malaria rates, but mosquitoes can quickly develop immunity themselves. In total, the insects still kill over 800,000 people every year. And though gene-editing might one day render them harmless, or even obliterate them altogether, mosquito-borne illnesses such as Zika have recently been spreading to new regions. The destroyer of worlds has not finished yet.
至少那個時候還可以獲得像樣的治療。蒂莫西·懷恩加德(Timothy Winegard)在他對蚊子歷史的生動敘述中寫道,縱觀人類歷史,在蚊子及其攜帶的疾病面前,大部分時間“我們都不堪一擊”。部分原因是無知。經(jīng)年累月,死亡的嗡鳴不絕于耳,而早期人類卻一直將瘧疾及蚊子傳播的其他疾病歸咎于沼澤地釋放出的“瘴氣”。瘧疾曾在英格蘭東部的沼澤地帶奪走了超過20%的人的性命。19世紀后期,黃熱病摧毀了田納西州的孟菲斯市(Memphis)。古往今來所有的人口中,可能約有一半是因為蚊子而沒了命,難怪懷恩加德稱蚊子是“世界毀滅者”。
但他的書可不僅僅是對受害者的記錄。懷恩加德令人信服地論證了蚊子除了帶來死亡,還塑造了人類生活。蚊子救羅馬人于漢尼拔的大軍,也讓歐洲擺脫了蒙古人的鐵蹄。如果說瘧疾改變了人類歷史,那么人類對瘧疾的免疫力也一樣。歐洲人認為那些對瘧疾產(chǎn)生了一定免疫力的非洲人非常適合在新大陸做奴隸。后來風水輪流轉(zhuǎn)了?!耙婚_始他們戰(zhàn)斗力會很強,但很快就會生病,一個接一個地死去。”杜?!けR維杜爾(Toussaint Louverture)對被派到海地鎮(zhèn)壓他領(lǐng)導的奴隸革命的法國人做了這樣的預測。他說中了。被派到這個殖民地上的6.5萬名士兵中約有85%死于蚊子傳播的疾病。海地贏得了獨立。
Football and Finance: Scouts’ Honour
How three middling clubs used clever hiring to beat the top dogs
If you had told football fans in a pub 15 years ago that Manchester City, Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur would one day dominate the Premier League, they might have told you to make it your last pint of the day. In 2004 City finished 16th, Spurs 14th and Liverpool a distant fourth. The ruling triumvirate of Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester United were the only clubs to win the competition in 1996-2011.
Yet today the league tables are turned. The Premiership’s new sultans are Manchester City, who on May 12th sealed their fourth title in eight seasons, to the delight of Abu Dhabi’s royal family, who bought the club in 2008. One point behind were Liverpool, whose tally of 97 made them the best runners-up ever. On June 1st the Merseyside team will face Tottenham in the final of the Champions League, Europe’s most prestigious tournament. What has allowed this new trio to dominate?
Money is part of the answer. In 2008-12 Manchester City splurged £520m ($675m) on transfers. Fenway Sports Group, an American firm that bought a near-bankrupt Liverpool in 2010 for £300m, now spends that much a season on players’ wages and transfer fees. But lots of English clubs are wealthy: nine of the world’s 20 highest-earning clubs are English. City spends only 8% more per year on players than United, and Spurs pay 20% less than Arsenal.
In the past, Premier League clubs squandered their wealth. When 21st Club, a consultancy, plotted European teams’ spending against their results, 16 of the 20 English sides sat below the trend line. Continental clubs charge higher transfer fees to affluent Premier League sides, who spend 80% more than their rivals for the same level of talent. What’s more, English clubs have a habit of buying ageing stars rather than nurturing talented youngsters.
Manchester City, Liverpool and Tottenham have learned from these mistakes. Since 2016 the players they have signed have been younger and from less flashy clubs than those bought by their rivals. City paid £55m for Kevin de Bruyne, a midfielder for Wolfsburg, a mediocre German team. Liverpool bought Mohamed Salah, an attacker for Roma, for £37m. Now in their peak years, each has become his team’s best player. This season Spurs became the first club in Premier League history not to sign a single player, after years of recruiting young talents from lesser clubs. Many have matured into stars, such as Son Heung-min (from Leverkusen) and Dele Alli (from Milton Keynes).
Meanwhile Manchester United, Chelsea and Arsenal have made costly errors. United made 30-year-old Alexis Sánchez the league’s highest earner, on £25m a year. But the striker scored just five goals in 45 games. Chelsea got rid of álvaro Morata, a £60m striker from Real Madrid, after just a year. Arsenal have purchased several woeful defenders.
Challenges remain for the new trio at the top – not least an investigation by UEFA, Europe’s football authority, into claims of financial irregularities at City, which could mean a season-long ban (City deny it). Either way, on June 1st an English side will win the Champions League for the first time in seven years.
金錢是部分答案。2008到2012年,曼城豪擲5.2億英鎊(6.75億美元)用于支付轉(zhuǎn)會費。2010年,美國公司芬威體育集團(Fenway Sports Group)以3億英鎊的價格收購了幾近破產(chǎn)的利物浦,如今每個賽季要花費同樣的金額支付球員的工資和轉(zhuǎn)會費。但很多英國俱樂部都很有錢:全球收入最高的20個俱樂部中有9家來自英國。曼城每年在球員身上的花費僅比曼聯(lián)多8%,熱刺則比阿森納少20%。
在過去,英超俱樂部大肆揮霍它們的財富。咨詢公司21st Club研究了歐洲各支球隊的支出與賽果的對比情況,繪制成圖表。圖表顯示20支英國球隊中有16支位于趨勢線以下。歐洲大陸的俱樂部會向富足的英超球隊收取更高的轉(zhuǎn)會費,后者購買相同水平的球員要比競爭對手多花80%。另外,英國俱樂部習慣購買更成熟的球星,而不是培養(yǎng)有才華的年輕人。
曼城、利物浦和熱刺從這些錯誤中吸取了教訓。自2016年以來,它們簽下的球員比競爭對手購買的球員更年輕,之前所屬的俱樂部也沒那么耀眼。曼城以5500萬英鎊簽下了平庸的德國球隊沃爾夫斯堡(Wolfsburg)的中場凱文·德布勞內(nèi)(Kevin de Bruyne)。利物浦以3700萬英鎊的價格買下了羅馬的前鋒穆罕默德·薩拉赫(Mohamed Salah)?,F(xiàn)在他們都處于各自的巔峰期,也都成了所在球隊的最佳球員。本賽季熱刺成為英超歷史上首支一名球員也沒有簽下的俱樂部。多年來,熱刺一直在從更低級別的俱樂部中招募年輕球員。當中的許多人已經(jīng)成為明星,如孫興慜(Son Heung-min,來自勒沃庫森)和迪利·阿里(Dele Alli,來自米爾頓凱恩斯)。
與此同時,曼聯(lián)、切爾西和阿森納卻犯下了代價高昂的錯誤。曼聯(lián)給30歲的亞歷克西斯·桑切斯(Alexis Sánchez)開出了2500萬英鎊的年薪,這使他成為英超收入最高的球員。但這位前鋒在45場比賽中只打入了5球。切爾西之前以6000萬英鎊簽下了皇家馬德里的前鋒阿爾瓦羅·莫拉塔(álvaro Morata),但僅僅一年之后就把他打發(fā)走了。阿森納也買下了幾名糟糕透頂?shù)暮笮l(wèi)。
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