下面是范文網(wǎng)小編分享的審清雅思聽力題目很重要3篇 雅思聽力審題時間,供大家品鑒。
Section Two
場次 20160319B 20121011
場景 其他
題型 地圖 5,單選 5
內(nèi)容概述 關于 Mentor 的介紹,可以幫助外地人
單選 5
關于 mentor 的
11. 選 住的時間長,因為原文說 several years
12. 選 B, 原文中 mentor 能告訴你哪里的東西便宜
13. 城市能提供什么
A.Leaflets in foreign languages
B. Free translation
C.Leaflets for family
14. 選 C,需要花一段時間 settle down
15. 待補充
地圖題 5 待補充
Section Four
內(nèi)容概述: 研究elephant
31. dates of births and mothers
32. many layers
33. Cooperate: two elephants use rope to find food
34. lack of rain
35. how they work change
36. weight is high
37. emotion bones when dead
38. older female aware of danger
39. difficult to study in wild
40. how sensitive one to another
Section One
場次 20160227 20120512
場景 投訴
題型 填空 10
內(nèi)容概述 訂機票和投訴處理,抱怨航空公司不允許帶兩個以上小孩
填空 10
1. Name: Quigley
2. She wants to buy 4 tickets return tickets
3 . leaving at 12:30 am
4. The words on the website page: error message
5. can only take 2 children (但她有三個孩子,5 歲、8 歲和 11 歲)
6. under 12 years old (12 歲以上要收費)
7. She thinks it is unfair for huge families and school group
8. children need less food
9. letter to go to the manager
10. GDK8422
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