

時間:2022-08-27 08:12:00 綜合范文




  kinetic adj. 運動的(of or resulting from motion);動力學的(of or relating to kinetic art)


  know-how n. 專業(yè)技能,知識(practical ability or skill)


[例]The technical know-how, if not the political commitment, appears already at hand to feed the world’s exploding population and so to eradicate at last the ancient scourges of malnutrition and famine.

  laborious adj. 費力的,艱難的(involving or characterized by hard or toilsome effort)

  lackadaisical adj. 無精打采的(listless;languid);無興趣的(showing lack of interest)


  laconic adj. 簡潔的(brief or terse in speech or expression;concise)


[同]concise, brief, curt, succinct, terse

  laggard adj. 緩慢的(slow or late);落后的(falling behind);n. 落后者(one that lags or lingers)


  lament vt. 悲傷;哀悼(to express sorrow, mourning, or regret for often demonstratively)

  languid adj. 沒精打采的,倦怠的(drooping or flagging from or as if from exhaustion)

  largesse n. 慷慨(generosity)


[例]Famous among job seekers for its largesse , the company, quite apart from generous salaries, bestowed on its executives annual bonuses and such perquisites as low-interest home mortgages and company cars.

  latitude n. 言行自由(freedom of opinion, conduct, or action);緯度(an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator)


[例]Even though in today's Soviet Union the leaders of the Muslim clergy have been accorded power and privileges, the Muslim laity and the rank-and-file clergy still have little latitude to practice their religion.

  lave vt. 為沐浴,洗(wash,bathe);慢慢沖刷(to flow along or against)


  lavish adj. 浪費的(expending profusely);豐富的(profuse)

[例]The commission of inquiry censured the senator for his lavish expenditure of public funds, which they found to be unjustifiable.

  legislate vt. 立法(to mandate, establish, or regulate by or as if by legislation)


  legitimate adj. 合法的(lawful);正當的(reasonable;legal)


  lenient adj. 寬大的(not harsh or severe);仁慈的(merciful, clement)

[例]Paradoxically, Helen, who had been a strict mother to her children, proved a lenient mistress to her cats.

  lethal adj. 致命的(fatal or deadly)


[例]Natural selection tends to eliminate genes that cause inherited diseases, acting most strongly against the most severe diseases; consequently, hereditary diseases that are lethal would be expected to be very rare, but, surprisingly, they are not.

[同]mortiferous, pestilent

  lethargic adj. 昏睡的(of, relating to, or characterized by lethargy)

  lewd [lju:d] adj. 好色的(sexually unchaste or licentious);猥瑣的(obscene,vulgar)

[例]Afraid that the lewd nature of the plays being presented would corrupt the morals of their audiences, the Puritans closed the theaters in 1642.

  listless adj. 無精打采的(spiritless;languid)


  loath adj. 不情愿的,勉強的(unwilling)

[例]Far from being unctuous, Pat was always loath to appear acquiescent.

[同]disinclined, averse, hesitant, reluctant

  loathe v. 憎恨,厭惡(abhor;detest;hate)


  loquacious adj. 多嘴的,饒舌的(very talkative;fond of talking)


  lucid adj. 表達清楚的,明白易懂的(well expressed and easy to understand)


[例]Although just barely adequate as a writer of lucid prose, Jones was an extremely capable editor who worked superbly with other writers in helping them improve the clarity of their writing.

  lucrative adj. 賺錢的,有利可圖的(profitable;remunerative)


[例]Burdened by debt, Lydgate abandons his dreams of reforming medicine to take a conventional but lucrative practice in London.

[同]advantageous, gainful, profitable, remunerative

  ludicrous adj. 荒.唐可笑的(so foolish as to cause disrespectful laughter)


[例]Although his attempts to appear psychotic were so clumsy as to be almost ludicrous , there is evidence that Ezra Pound was able to avoid standing trial for treason merely by faking symptoms of mental illness.

[同]laughable, comic, comical, droll, farcical

  lugubrious adj. 悲哀的(mournful);憂郁的(dismal)

[例]Much of the clown’s success may be attributed to the contrast between the lugubrious manner he adopts and the general hilarity that characterizes the circus.

[同]melancholy, dolesome, dolorous, lamentable, plaintive

  luminous adj. 發(fā)光的(emitting or reflecting usually steady, suffused, or glowing light);發(fā)亮的(of or relating to light or to luminous flux);光線亮的(bathed in or exposed to steady light);明白易懂的(clear, enlightening);有光澤的(shining, illustrious)


[例]Although supernovas are among the most luminous of cosmic events, these stellar explosions are often hard to detect, either because they are enormously far away or because they are dimmed by intervening dust and gas clouds.

  macabre adj. 駭人的,可怕的(grim and horrible;gruesome)


  magisterial adj. 有權威的(authoritative;official);威風的


[例]Something in Christopher responded to the older man’s air of authority; he looked magisterial, used to command.

  magnanimous adj. 寬宏大量的,慷慨的(noble in mind;high souled)

  magniloquence n. 夸夸其談,虛夸(the quality or state of being magniloquent)

  malicious adj. 惡意的,怨毒的(spiteful;intentionally mischievous or harmful)

[記]來自malice(n. 惡意)+ious→惡意的

[例]No computer system is immune to a virus, a particularly malicious program that is designed to infect and electronically damage the disks on which data are stored.

  malign v. 誹謗,中傷(to defame;slander;traduce);adj. 邪惡的(evil;baleful;sinister)


[同]malicious, despiteful, malevolent, rancorous, spiteful

  malignant adj. 惡毒的,充滿恨意的(very malevolent or malicious)

[例]The surgeons were worried about the possibility of finding a malignant growth in the patient.

[同]despiteful, hateful, malign, rancorous

  malleable adj. 可塑的,易改變的(capable of being changed;adaptable)


[例]When clay dries out, it loses its plasticity and becomes less malleable.

[同]plastic, ductile, moldable, pliable, supple

  mandatory adj. 命令的,強制的(authoritatively commanded;obligatory)

  maneuver vt./n. (軍隊)調遣(a planned and controlled movement of troops);策略,操縱(stratagem;artifice;scheme)


  maniacal adj. 發(fā)狂的,癲狂的(affected with or suggestive of madness)

  manipulation n. (熟練的)操作;操縱;控制;(對賬目等的)偽造,篡改

  martinet n. 嚴格遵守紀律的人(a strict disciplinarian)

[例]Like a martinet, Norman constrained his subordinates to adhere rigidly to the rules.

  marvelous adj. 不可思議的(causing wonder);了不起的(miraculous)


[例]Winsor McCay, the cartoonist, could draw with incredible virtuosity: his comic strip about Little Nemo was characterized by marvelous draftsmanship and sequencing.

  matrilineal adj. 母系的(relating to, based on, or tracing descent through the maternal line)

[例]The Apache are a matrilineal society, where husbands typically move into wives’ dwellings and women take the leadership role in family affairs.

  maudlin adj. 感情脆弱的,愛哭的(foolishly or weakly sentimental)


  maverick adj. 特立獨行的(characteristic of, suggestive of, or inclined to be a maverick);n. 特立獨行的人(one that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group)


  meager adj. 貧乏的(of small amount;inadequate);削瘦的(lean;emaciated)


[例]The powers and satisfactions of primeval people, though few and meager, were commensurate with their few and simple desires.

  mediocre adj. 平庸的,平凡的(ordinary;average)


  mediocrity n. 平庸,碌碌無為(mediocre abilities or attainment)

[例]Grateful as we are for these splendid books, they remain isolated examples of excellence in a literature of mediocrity.

  melancholy adj. 憂郁的(depressed);令人悲傷的(causing depression)


  menial adj. 仆人的,卑微的(of servants;humble);n. 家仆(a domestic servant)

[例]Although Ms. Brown found some of her duties to be menial, her supervision of forty workers was a considerable responsibility.

[同]subservient, obsequious, servile, slavish

  mercenary adj. 唯利是圖的(acting merely for money);n. 雇傭兵(a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army for money)


  meretricious adj. 華而不實的,俗艷的(tawdrily and falsely attractive)


  meritorious adj. 值得贊賞的(deserving praise and esteem)


  mesmerize v. 對…催眠(to hypnotize);使入迷,迷住(to fascinate)

  metabolic adj. 新陳代謝的(of, relating to, or based on metabolism)


[例]When trees go dormant in winter, the procedure is anything but sleepy: it is an active metabolic process that changes the plant radically.

  metamorphose v. 變形(to change into another form)


  metaphysical adj. 形而上學的,玄學的(of metaphysics)


  meteoric adj. 流星的(relating to a meteor);曇花一現的(transient;swift)


  methodical adj. 細心的,有條不紊的(habitually proceeding according to method)

  meticulous adj. 細心的,一絲不茍的(taking extreme care about minute details;precise)


[例]MacDougall’s former editors remember him as a cantankerous man whose meticulous and exhaustive reporting was worth the trouble.

[同]conscientious, fussy, heedful, punctilious, scrupulous

  mettlesome adj. 精神抖擻的(spirited;courageous)


  milieu n. 周圍,環(huán)境,背景(the physical or social setting in which something occurs or develops)

[例]The late James Beard was generous with his time and knowledge-a rare trait in the narrow world of food writing, a milieu notorious for its pettiness and infighting.

  mimic v. 模仿,戲弄(to imitate or copy playfully or derisively)




  1. Chaos:開天辟地的混沌之神 <反> cosmos:宇宙, 有序的整體 universe = unanimous :全體意見一致的

  2. TITAN 十二泰坦神 titanic 巨大的, 強大的(泰坦尼克號就來自于此)

  3. Zeus 主神宙斯

  4. The Muses 繆斯,主管文藝和科學等9位女神

  5. Pluto 冥界之神,陰間之神; 因為具有“冥河之寶藏”而似的 “-pluto”作為詞根表示”財富”; eg: plutocracy 財閥統治; plutolatry 拜金主義

  6. Styx 環(huán)繞冥土四周的冥河,陰河; styx à stygian 冥河的,陰間的;黑洞洞的;幽暗的注意同義程類:stygian:dark

  7. Lethe 忘川, 冥府河流名,飲其水則會忘記過去;忘卻,遺忘 lethargic 昏昏欲睡的 <> stimulate

  8. Poseidon 海洋之神,海王

  9. Narcissus那西塞斯(一美少年因自戀水中的美影以致憔悴而死化為水仙花) narcissus 以美貌自夸的青年;水仙花; 顧影自憐 narcissism 自我陶醉,自戀

  10.Echo 山谷女神:迷戀Narcissus, 然而赫拉(宙斯的妻子)嫉妒其美麗而令Echo只能重復別人剛剛說過的話,Narcissus因此而拋棄了Echo

  11.Eris厄里斯(不和女神,復仇女神) 為了報復Narcissus, 用詛咒使其最終死于自己的美麗 eristic 爭論的,辯論的;有爭議的;詭辯的

  12.Paris 帕理斯 Troy 的二王子;因為與巴達王Menelaus的妻子Helen相愛而引發(fā)了特洛伊戰(zhàn)爭

  13.Judgment of Paris 不愛江山愛美人; Eris不請自來地到一個眾神聚會,離開時留下了一個金蘋果,上面刻著“獻給最美麗的女神”。Hera,Athena和Venus三位女神為了爭奪金蘋果不分高下之時決定讓Zeus決定,宙斯無法在自己的妻子,智慧女神和愛與美的女神,正在為難之際,Zeus撥開云霧向人間看去,看到了Paris正在牧羊,于是將決定權交給了Paris。三個女神分別以“最大的疆土”,“最智慧的頭腦”和“最美麗的女人”作為誘惑,而最終Paris作出了自己的Judgment,選擇了Venus,而獲得了最美麗的女人。 Apple of discord 引起爭吵或者沖突的導火索,泛指大事件的導火索

  14.Achilles阿基里斯 希臘勇士,人與神的結晶。出生之后被母親倒提著在Styx中浸過,除了被母親抓住的heel之外,全身刀槍不入,而最終在 War of Troy 中死于Paris 的箭 Achilles’ heel 金無足赤, 人無完人

  15.Hector赫克托 Troy 的大王子,英勇善戰(zhàn),是人類中真正的勇士 hector 恃強凌弱;折磨

  16.Sparta斯巴達(希臘伯羅奔尼撒半島南部城市; 古希臘主要城市) 為了準備特洛伊戰(zhàn)爭,所有市民全年過著簡樸而且艱苦的生活 Spartan 簡樸的,艱苦的,剛強的, 勇敢的; 好戰(zhàn)的; 嚴峻的

  17.Stentor (荷馬敘事詩Iliad中)聲音宏亮的傳令官,聲音可抵50人 stentor 聲音洪亮的人 stentorian 聲音洪亮的

  18.Odyssey 《奧德賽》 古希臘史詩; 歷盡滄桑德長途跋涉 Odysseus奧德修斯(古希臘荷馬所作史詩《奧德賽》中的主人公,伊塞卡國王,在特洛伊戰(zhàn)中獻木馬計)

  19.Siren海上女妖莎琳[塞壬](半人半鳥的海妖, 常用歌聲誘惑過路的航海者而使航船觸礁毀滅) siren 迷人的美女;汽笛;警報同義程類 siren:sound ::beacon:beam/light

  20.Procrustes 普羅克拉斯提斯(古希臘傳說中Attica的一個強盜, 他將被他抓到的人放在一張鐵床上, 比床長的人, 被其砍去長出的部分; 比床短的人, 被其強行拉長, 后來被提修斯用同樣手法殺掉) procrustean 強求一致的;迫使就范的

  21.Proteus普羅秋斯, 變幻無定的海神,小海神 Protean 變化多端的,能扮演多種角色的;多才多藝的

  22.Sibyl (古羅馬或古希臘的)女預言家;女巫,女算命者

  23.Chimera (吐火女怪)凱米拉(獅頭、羊身、蛇尾); 怪物 Chimerical 空想的,幻想中的;異想天開的,不可能的

  24.Iris(為諸神報信的)彩虹女神 iridescent 彩虹色的,燦爛光輝的

  25.Zephyr 西風之神;西風的擬人化用語;和風,輕風,微風;輕羅,細紗

  26.Atlas/atlas阿特拉斯(受罰以雙肩掮天的巨人); [喻]身負重擔的人; 地圖集

  27. Academy 柏拉圖學派;某個科學領域內的權威定論機構


  29.Peripateticism 逍遙學派(由古希臘哲學家亞里士多德在學園內漫步講學而得此名) peripatetic 逍遙學派的, 走來走去的


  alibi n. 不在現場的證明, 托辭, 借口

  ambagious a. 迂回曲折的

  anabiosis n。復蘇, 回生

  amulet n。護身符

  apologist n。辯護士

  apropos a. 恰當的, 中肯的

  arroyo n. 小河, 旱溝,峽谷

  arrant a. 徹頭徹尾的, 臭名昭著的

  askew a. 斜的

  avouch n。宣稱, 斷言

  awash a。被浪潮沖打的, 被覆蓋的

  balk v. 妨礙, 畏縮不前

  badinage v.& n。玩笑, 揶揄

  banter v. 打趣

  barefaced a。露骨的, 無恥的

  barrow n. 獨輪車

  becoming a. 合適的,適當的

  benison n. 祝福

  bent n。擅長, 愛好

  berth v.& n. ( 船) 停泊

  beset v. 困擾

  bestial a. 野獸的, 殘忍的

  bilk v. 欺騙

  blitz n. 閃電戰(zhàn), 大量活動

  blazon v. 炫耀

  blunt a 。坦率, 鈍的

  bluster v. 咆哮, 憤怒地叫

  botch v. 做事拙劣

  bow n. 琴弓

  brat n. 小鬼, 小家伙

  braid v.& n 編織, 編織物

  buffoon n. 小丑

  broil v. 燒,烤,爭吵

  bucket n. 水桶

  bulk n. 大部分

  bushed a. 疲倦的, 迷途的

  cache n. 藏私處v。隱藏

  cad n。粗鄙無禮的人

  cadge v. 乞討

  cameo n。小品劇

  canvass v. 游說, 使人投票

  cellar n. 地下室

  cede v. 割讓

  champion v. 擁護,贊成

  choppy a. 波濤起伏的

  choke v. 窒息

  cherubic a. 天使的,可愛的

  chasm n. 斷層,裂口

  chore n. 家務活,零工

  cliquism n 小集團主義。

  clout v.& n使勁打, 力量。

  clodhopping a. 粗俗的,鄉(xiāng)下人的

  coeval a. 同時代的

  coda n. 尾聲

  colloquial a. 口語的,白話的

  colloquy n. 談話,會話

  concerted a。協定的,商定的

  condign a. 適當的, 合適的

  conjoin v. 結合

  contemn v. 輕蔑

  contest v. 爭辯, 競爭

  courteous a. 有禮貌的

  countervail v. 補償,抵消

  cow v. 威脅sow播種,散布,母豬

  crass a. 愚鈍的, 粗糙的

  credits n. 片頭字幕, 攝制人員名單

  crony n. 任人為親, 任用親信;密友,好朋友

  cue n. 提示性臺詞, 暗示

  crux n. 關鍵點, 令人迷惑,困難的問題


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