1. Clearly refuting skeptics, researchers have ________ not only that gravitational radiation exists but that it also does exactly what theory ________ it should do.
(A) doubted.. warranted
(B) estimated.. accepted
(C) demonstrated.. predicted
(D) assumed.. deduced
(E) supposed.. asserted
2. Sponsors of the bill were ________ because there was no opposition to it within the legislature until after the measure had been signed into law.
(A) unreliable
(B) well-intentioned
(C) persistent
(D) relieved
(E) detained
3. The paradoxical aspect of the myths about Demeter, when we consider the predominant image of her as a tranquil and serene goddess, is her ________ search for her daughter.
(A) extended
(B) agitated
(C) comprehensive
(D) motiveless
(E) heartless
4. Yellow fever, the disease that killed 4,000 Philadelphians in 1793, and so ________ Memphis, Tennessee, that the city lost its charter, has reappeared after nearly two decades in ________ in the Western Hemisphere.
(A) terrorized.. contention
(B) ravaged.. secret
(C) disabled.. quarantine
(D) corrupted.. quiescence
(E) decimated.. abeyance
5. Although ________ , almost self-effacing in his private life, he displays in his plays and essays a strong ________ publicity and controversy.
(A) conventional.. interest in
(B) monotonous.. reliance on
(C) shy.. aversion toward
(D) retiring.. penchant for
(E) evasive.. impatience with
6. Comparatively few rock musicians are willing to laugh at themselves, although a hint of ________ can boost sales of video clips very nicely.
(A) self-deprecation
(B) congeniality
(C) cynicism
(D) embarrassment
(E) self-doubt
7. Parts of seventeenth-century Chinese pleasure gardens were not necessarily intended to look ________ ; they were designed expressly to evoke the agreeable melancholy resulting from a sense of the ________ of natural beauty and human glory.
(A) beautiful.. immutability
(B) cheerful.. transitoriness
(C) colorful.. abstractness
(D) luxuriant.. simplicity
(E) conventional.. wildness
Section 5
1. Her ______ should not be confused with miserliness; as long as I have known her, she has always been willing to assist those who are in need.
(A) intemperance
(B) intolerance
(C) apprehension
(D) diffidence
(E) frugality
2. Natural selection tends to eliminate genes that cause inherited diseases, acting most strongly against the most severe diseases; consequently, hereditary diseases that are ______ would be expected to be very ______, but, surprisingly, they are not.
(A) lethal.. rare
(B) untreated.. dangerous
(C) unusual.. refractory
(D) new.. perplexing
(E) widespread.. acute
3. Unfortunately, his damaging attacks on the ramifications of the economic policy have been ______ by his wholehearted acceptance of that policy's underlying assumptions.
(A) supplemented
(B) undermined
(C) wasted
(D) diverted
(E) redeemed
4. During the opera's most famous aria the tempo chosen by the orchestra's conductor seemed ______, without necessary relation to what had gone before.
(A) tedious
(B) melodious
(C) capricious
(D) compelling
(E) cautious
5. In the machinelike world of classical physics, the human intellect appears ______, since the mechanical nature of classical physics does not ______ creative reasoning, the very ability that had made the formulation of classical principles possible.
(A) anomalous.. allow for
(B) abstract.. speak to
(C) anachronistic.. deny
(D) enduring.. value
(E) contradictory.. exclude
6. During the 1960's assessments of the family shifted remarkably, from general endorsement of it as a worthwhile, stable institution to widespread ______ it as an oppressive and bankrupt one whose ______ was both imminent and welcome.
(A) flight from.. restitution
(B) fascination with.. corruption
(C) rejection of.. vogue
(D) censure of.. dissolution
(E) relinquishment of.. ascent
7. Documenting science’s ______ philosophy would be ______, since it is almost axiomatic that many philosophers use scientific concepts as the foundations for their speculations.
(A) distrust of.. elementary
(B) influence on.. superfluous
(C) reliance on.. inappropriate
(D) dependence on.. difficult
(E) differences from.. impossible
1. The spellings of many Old English words have been ________ in the living language, although their pronunciations have changed.
(A) preserved
(B) shortened
(C) preempted
(D) revised
(E) improved
2. The sheer diversity of tropical plants represents a seemingly ________ source of raw materials, of which only a few have been utilized.
(A) exploited
(B) quantifiable
(C) controversial
(D) inexhaustible
(E) remarkable
3. For centuries animals have been used as ________ for people in experiments to assess the effects of therapeutic and other agents that might later be used in humans.
(A) benefactors
(B) companions
(C) examples
(D) precedents
(E) surrogates
4. Social tensions among adult factions can be ________ by politics, but adolescents and children have no such ________ for resolving their conflict with the exclusive world of adults.
(A) intensified.. attitude
(B) complicated.. relief
(C) frustrated.. justification
(D) adjusted.. mechanism
(E) revealed.. opportunity
5. The state is a network of exchanged benefits and beliefs, ________ between rulers and citizens based on those laws and procedures that are ________ to the maintenance of community.
(A) a compromise.. inimical
(B) an interdependence.. subsidiary
(C) a counterpoint.. incidental
(D) an equivalence.. prerequisite
(E) a reciprocity.. conducive
6. Far from viewing Jefferson as a skeptical but enlightened intellectual, historians of the 1960's portrayed him as ________ thinker, eager to fill the young with his political orthodoxy while censoring ideas he did not like.
(A) an adventurous
(B) a doctrinaire
(C) an eclectic
(D) a judicious
(E) a cynical
7. To have true disciples, a thinker must not be too ________ : any effective intellectual leader depends on the ability of other people to ________ thought processes that did not originate with them.
(A) popular.. dismiss
(B) methodical.. interpret
(C) idiosyncratic.. reenact
(D) self-confident.. revitalize
(E) pragmatic.. discourage
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