Task:The use of mobile phone in certain places is just as antisocial as smoking. do you think mobile should be banned like smoking?
Sample answer:
Since the first mobile phone was invented, this technology has already changed our lives. However, while it gains its popularity, a lot of criticism also follow. Personally, I believe that it should not be banned.
We cannot avoid the fact that the mobile phone brings much convenience to our lives. In the old times, if we want to contact with a friend in a distant place, we may write a letter, which will take more than half a month before he gets the letter. But with the help of the mobile phone, we can get the connection with our friends in less than 10 seconds. In addition, the mobile phone is able to achieve many features, such as shopping online, GPS, buying tickets and so on, which not only saves our time and spending, but also brings much more entertainment.
At the same time, mobile phone industry creates great quantity of business opportunities. In the past one decade, mobile phones are sold by hundreds, bu thousand, by million and provides unaccountable jobs in the modern world as well. For example, according to a survey, Samsung has made great contribution to Korean’s GDP. However, the mobile phone also has an effect on our physical and mental health. As we all know, if we insist to play digital games on our phones, we may suffer some eye diseases unless we realise its harmfulness. To make thins worse, nowadays many people would prefer to spend their time with some virtual friends rather than keep their families accompanied in reality.
In conclusion, I consider it has more benefits than drawbacks. If the mobile phone is used at a right place and right time, it still can be put into excellent usefulness.(287 words)
Task:The leaders or directors of organizations are often older people. But some people say that young people can also be a leader,to what extent do you think?
Sample answer:
It is true that many leaders and senior executives in global companies are elderly people. However, I would argue that those superb young people are also eligible to take important positions in today’s world.
On the one hand, compared to the young generation,elderly people possess more edges.First and foremost, they have better cognitive skills, such as big-picture thinking and long-term vision. This is because years of work experience and failures teach them to take every aspect into consideration before making important decisions. By contrast, due to alack of social experience, young leaders seem to make shortsighted decisions sometimes. Moreover, since the old have already overcome countless difficulties and challenges prior, they can quickly adjust their mood in turmoil and lift the morale of the whole organisation.
On the other hand, there are two reasons why younger directors are also competent to be leaders in important positions. In the first place, with well-educated backgrounds, young leaders are more likely to have a deep understanding of cultural difference, and they can empathize with other employees and clients much better. Today, empathy plays a key role in retention of talents. For example, it is easy to misunderstand others in a cross-cultural dialogue. When good employees resign,they might take the company’s knowledge with them, which is a brain drain for the company. Secondly, compared with the senior leaders, young directors can apply the latest technology and theory into practice, and this can counteract negative stereotype of management and greatly improve the productivity.
In conclusion, in my opinion, age should not be the criterion when selecting the leader of a company. Anyone who has the leadership can play his or her role in the organization. (280 words)
Some people think that professional athletes make good role models for young people, while others believe they don’t.
Discuss both these points of views and give your own opinion.
Model Answer:
People everywhere like watching sports. Many top athletes are admired throughout their countries, and some even have fans all around the world. Young people especially, view many athletes as role models and want to emulate the way these stars dress, act and live their lives. While some athletes aren't deserving of their "role model" status, others act like role models and responsible community citizens.
Top athletes get the attention of young people. Most children and teenagers like to follow professional sports. For many of them, star athletes represent heroes, and children want to be like their heroes. This means they will want to play sports, which is good for their health. Playing sports also teaches valuable life lessons such as teamwork, discipline, goal setting, and the realities of dealing with success and failure. Professional athletes demonstrate the importance of working hard to achieve a goal, or practicing regularly to become good at something. This is a good example for children to follow.
However, professional athletes are not always good role models. For one thing, when young athletes reach a level of fame, it comes with media attention, large financial benefits and social attention. This can lead children to believe that money and fame are an important part of sports. Children might focus more on these aspects than on the fun of the game or on the challenge of learning how to play well. Then there are those athletes who behave badly. For example, some cheat to win their games or take drugs to improve their performance. This kind of behaviour sends the wrong message to children.
Athletes are people who are held at a lofty place in the society owing to their popularity and wealth. These attributes are what makes people want to look up to them and model various facets of their lives along those of the athletes. We can thus be led to conclude that professional athletes can be very good role models for children, as long as they focus on the positive aspects of playing sports.
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