“Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience,their ideas will have little use.”
Although academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years,scholars' ideas can still reach a wide audience by the advantage of the knowledge structure. We can simply put that it is the human beings' knowledge structure that makes it possible for a scholar's ideas in his specialized discipline to reach a much wider audiences who don't necessarily belong to his own discipline.
The reason why I draw this conclusion will be illustrated by recalling the process of social evolution.
During the passed centuries,the social economy has been greatly boosted by the revolutions in science and technology,which in turn increases the width and depth of academic disciplines to solve unencountered and more complex problems arising in the new situations. To solve new problems,we probably need new methods. That will undoubtedly calls for invention of new ideas,which will certainly adds to human beings' knowledge. Thus with the progress of science and technology,more and more knowledge will be added to the old system. A new problem will come: how the newly obtained knowledge is organized. This problem will be clear when we make classification of the new knowledge according to the old knowledge system. If there is content of the newly-get that doesn't properly belong to any sort of the old system,it means a
new discipline will emerge. But could we just assert that the newly formed discipline doesn't possess any relationship with any of the old ones? Certainly not. This is because the new knowledge is obtained through the old methods,which obviously means the new knowledge do have some connections with some old disciplines,otherwise I am quite sure we could not find it!
From the above,we can easily reach the conclusion that every academic discipline has certain relationships with some other ones. The structure of human's knowledge is just like the complexity of a net! And also it is a natural trend that academic disciplines become more and more specialized.
With the depositing and specializing process of knowledge,it causes humans to accommodate themselves to this situation. Because the God gives every person a limited time and energy,it is necessary for a person,who wants to make progress in his discipline,to adjust his knowledge structure to adapt to his research domain,that is to say,to be more devoted to his own research area. On the other hand,if he cares too much for unrelated or less related area,he will probably not be able to bring innovation to his main academic discipline. Simply put,we almost cannot find a man who constructs the Theory of Relativity and in the mean time composes symphony like Mozart's! So we can say every scholar must be more devoted to his own discipline than to others,but a wider knowledge of other disciplines sometimes involuntarily invokes sparks of new ideas.
"The media (books, film, music, television, for example) tend to create rather than reflect the values of a society."
For our grandparents it occurred through films and books.
For the baby boomers it was a result of television and revolutionary music.
no matter how the impact took place, it is clear that since its very advent, the media have played a crucial role in not simply being representative of the values of our society but creating them as well.
During the roaring twenties Americans found themselves in a struggle between the old ways of their ancestors and the new ways of the future.
The once steadfast beliefs that men and women should not touch while dancing, and that ladies should not drink or smoke were suddenly being challenged.
From where was all this rebellion stemming?
Partly it was due to the returning doughboys from the shores of Europe bringing home revolutionary ideas they had encountered while at war.
nonetheless, returning soldiers could not be held responsible for the social upheaval that America experienced.
There had to be another cause, and there was, the media.
Although the films of the era were silent they spoke volumes to the society for which they were created.
Women in these movies wore their hemlines a few inches shorter than the decade before them and they wore cosmetics to accentuate their new bobbed haircuts.
The movies, as well as the books of that era, demonstrated a new materialistic attitude that America had never before experienced.
Films portrayed every character as having the money to buy a new car, drink, smoke and partake in the leisures of life, a philosophy that was soon adopted by the youth of the decade.
The use of the media in the twenties was to serve as a catalyst for the revolutionary ideas that were circulating.
The films and books of that era sped America along its path of change that eventually led to the greatest social unrest that the United States had ever known.
Unlike the twenties, the sixties and seventies utalized the media in a way that appealed to those searching for truth in a lost and confused world.
提高方法一: 大量閱讀
1. 讀文章
2. 讀歷史、哲學(xué)、政治等相關(guān)書籍,儲備GRE寫作必須的知識量
GRE寫作之所以有其獨特的魅力,是因為所考的題目特點涉及大量的哲學(xué)觀點、宗教、政治、藝術(shù)、社會問題、歷史現(xiàn)象,而且要求考生要有理有據(jù)的進(jìn)行insightful分析和論證,如何做到insightful,你就必須對一些哲學(xué)觀點有所了解,這樣你自然能夠分析得透徹、論證得很有說服力,同時對相關(guān)話題在知識儲備上有所鋪墊,否則將無從說起,無話可說。例如GRE的Issue部分有這樣一道真題:"Rituals and ceremonies helpdefine a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of whothey are."典禮和儀式有助于確立一種文化,否則人們的社會或群體的角色歸屬感削弱。怎么去理解ritual,西方社會都有哪些對人影響和大的rituals,rituals和歸屬感為什么有聯(lián)系,如何聯(lián)系在一起的,這個話題如果不對宗教有所了解,肯定感覺無從下手。
其次,GRE寫作,有其是Issue寫作對于論據(jù)的要求是非常高的,因此你的名人事例的儲備,相關(guān)知識量的積累是非常重要的,歷史長河中的大量的事例是你最有說服力的例證,這一環(huán)節(jié)也正是GRE考生最為頭疼的一部分,舉不出支持自己的觀點的例子,因此讓自己的文章顯得只有蒼白的論證,缺乏說服力。因此要多讀歷史,積累例子,有其關(guān)注那些重要的哲學(xué)家、科學(xué)家、藝術(shù)家、政治領(lǐng)袖、商業(yè)領(lǐng)袖他們的生平事跡、主要貢獻(xiàn)。例如Issue里的這樣一道真題:"Truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists are alwaysout of step with their time and their society."真正影響深遠(yuǎn)的思想家和具有高度創(chuàng)造力的藝術(shù)家們總是與他們的時代和社會步伐不一致。這個題目你如果沒有必備的那些思想家和藝術(shù)家的例子,文章必然缺乏說服力。因此讀歷史積累寫作素材,具體說就是論據(jù)素材是拿GRE作文高分的一個重要環(huán)節(jié)。
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