disputatious: 好爭辯的;fond of arguing; contentious; eager to dispute
1) argumentative; inclined to disputes
2) inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits
His disputatious streak eventually wore down his fellow parliament members. as
The child was so disputatious he needed to be removed from the room.
polemic : disputatious
= invective : abusive 好爭論的:好爭辯的=謾罵的:辱罵的
antediluvian:史前的;陳舊的;extremely old and antiquated
1) a very old (or old fashioned) person
2) prehistoric, before the flood
3) ancient;outmoded;(literally,before the flood)
4) antiquated;extremely ancient 、
5) ancient, obsolete, pre historic
6) antiquated;extremely ancient
flagrant: 不能容忍的;Conspicuously bad, offensive, or reprehensible
1) glaringly wrong
2) extremely or deliberately shocking or noticeable
flagrant <> hidden, concealed, subtle
flagrant <> obscure
flagrant <> clammy
The flagrant foul was apparent to everyone.
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