下面是范文網小編分享的雅思口語話題:看過的體育賽事共6篇 雅思體育類話題,以供借鑒。
Describe an occasion when you invite your family or friends to dinner
You should say:
When you invited them
Where you had the dinner at home or at the restaurant
Why you invited them
And how you felt about this dinner
Describe a historical building you have been to
You should say:
Where it is
What it looks like
What it is used for now
What you learned there
And how you felt about this historical building
Gosh, this topic is hard for me, I don’t really go to many sporting events, and it isn’t especially an interest of mine. However, I can think of one which enticed me to go and watch, I’ll tell you as much as I can about the event, how often it takes places and why it was, to me at least, interesting!
The sporting event I went to was Le Tour de France – except it wasn’t! For one year only the opening stages took place near to where I live in South Yorkshire, but more of that later.
The event is a world famous cycling race. It takes place every year, in a series of stages which are mainly in France, but it does occasionally pass through other countries. I think it started around 1903 and has taken place each year since then – apart from during the two world wars when obviously it was suspended. The cyclists are professional riders, and the tour is gruelling. To be honest, I get very confused about how it is all timed and organised, but I do know that for each stage, the rider who has completed it in the fastest time gets to wear a yellow jersey for the next stage of the tour.
The race has fallen foul of cheating over the years, famously Lance Armstrong who won it some seven times I think was later banned for drug taking. However, more recently cycling has cleaned up its act and gained in popularity. Although I’ve never previously been interested in cycling, some of my friends are, and with such a world famous event happening on my doorstep I wouldn’t have wanted to miss out.
I was really proud to be one of the supporters on what was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see The Tour de France passing through practically on my doorstep (I live in Sheffield).
Do you think it is easy to remember things?
詞伙:a poor memory, a to-do list
回答:actually not, I have a poor memory, sometime I forget what to do every day, this is why I normally have a to-do list to remind me the important things I need to do on a daily basis.
What do you remember to do every day?
詞伙:Attend lectures, finish assignments, prepare for exams
回答:I am a university student, so my priority every day is to attend lectures, finish assignments, and prepare for exams.
Have you ever forgotten to do something?
思路: 有時候很忙,忘記一些重要的日子,
詞伙:tight timetable, special occasions
回答:yes, because sometimes I have a tight timetable, I forget some special occasions, such as my friends’ birthday party.
Fruit and vegetable (水果和蔬菜)
What’s your favorite vegetable and fruit?
詞匯:a healthy diet, one apple a day, keep the doctor away
回答:my favourite fruit is apple, which is very popular with people who prefer to have a heathy diet. As the old saying goes, one apple a day, keep the doctor away
How often do you eat fruits?
詞匯:a source of vitamins, improve health
回答:I do eat fruit every day, because it is a healthy habit. Fruit is an important sources of vitamins, which can improve my health.
高頻口語題目:What’s your favorite color?
I love the color white because it’s so clean and pure. When I wear white, I feel very peaceful at heart. But I have to pay attention because it gets dirty so easily. I think a white Tee Shirt and blue jeans are the best combination.
I think black is very mysterious and sophisticated. For a girl, it looks very sexy. And when you wear black you look thinner, because the color is very slimming.
It’s the color of the sea and the sky. It’s also the color of jeans.
So I guess in a sense, it’s a young and free color.
Red is the hottest and most enthusiastic color you can ever imagine.
And it’s the color of China.
The color green reminds me of the nature and the environment.
It’s the color of Spring when all lives come back around us.
So wearing this color, I feel very close to nature.
Do you like the same color now as you did when you were younger?
Well, yeah.
I’m a kind of person that likes something and doesn’t change.
And I think the colors of black and white are the most classic.
I’m a simple guy, so I like simple colors.
I guess it changed. When I was young, I was childish, so I like bright colors, such as light yellow and shiny red. But now, I’m a 20 years old young man, I’m more mature, and so I like more understated colors, such as dark blue or deep green.
What can you learn about a person from the color they like?
I think you can tell about a person’s personality by his or her favorite colors.
For example, if a person loves the color red, he’s very out-going and not afraid to show his feelings and emotions. But if a person loves black, for instance, she maybe very reserved and mysterious. She may not want to share too much with others.
Do any colors have special meanings in your culture?
I think the colors of red and yellow represent our home country, China,
Because they’re the main colors of the national flag.
The color red also means happy occasions, such as wedding.
I know that the color white means wedding in the west.
Yet, the it means death in China.
Surprising, huh?
雅思口語話題:Describe a musical event you attended
Describe a musical event you attended
You should say
What kind of musical event it was
When and where you saw it
What you did there
And explain why you liked it
很多同學拿到題目的第一反應就是好難!沒參加過Musical Event!其實音樂事件不需要交響,那樣高大上,一些接地氣的活動比如concert,music festival都是可以的~
Topic——倫敦愛樂樂團 London Philharmonic Orchestra, 伯明翰交響樂團City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra這種, musical event其實還可以是接地氣的活動比如concert,music festival 潮一點的可以說草莓音樂節(jié)Strawberry Music Festival,山炮一點的也可以說學校里的唱歌比賽 singing competition嘛
展開一個musical event的時候考生往往覺得很難展開,一道一道題看:
What kind of musical event it was,可以使singing competition, live concert, symphony (交響樂)
When and where you saw it,在哪里,什么時候看的
What you did there,比如演唱會上,我跟著喜歡的歌手一起唱,觀眾一起尖叫
And explain why you liked it,可以用大篇幅展開
如果大家不太會表述musical event本身的內容,可以把內容更多描述這個musical event為什么對你很重要,講一個故事,也許因為這個表演者是你的偶像,可以說說這個偶像對你的影響;也可以是因為跟你一起看表演的人對你來說有特殊的意義,于是這次musical event變得格外有sentimental value等等
Concert/ live performance/ VIP ticket/ melody/ lyrics/die-heart fan/ vocal ability/ atmosphere/ sentimental value
Well I’ve been to various sorts of musical events, like concerts performed by LPO(London Philharmonic Orchestra) , CBSO(City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra) and piano concert conducted by LangLang who is the most renowned pianist in China. But today I’d like to talk about Beyoncé’s live performance, which stands out particularly.
I still vaguely remember that was around a couple of years ago, I was doing my bachelor degree at Shanghai. My bestie offered me a VIP ticket as my birthday gift, allowing me to watch the live show at the first row. I was like totally thrilled, not only coz that’s my first time to see those celebrities so closely, but the show was also performed by Beyoncé. Well actually, I am her die-hard fan, since I can feel her soul and energy lying in her melody and lyrics.
It was raining a little during that night, which was beautiful yet incomplete. The live concert turned out to be a starry affair. The spacious Shanghai Stadium was packed by the passionate music nuts who are obsessed by Beyoncé’s phenomenal live performance. Unlike some of the recording artists, Beyoncé could always ignite the night and her fans through her unique vocal abilities and strong dancing performance. Everyone was singing along with Beyoncé and the enthusiasm was contagious among the crowd, the attendance of the Eminem pushed the concert to the climax. I could still remember my heartbeats in my chest.
So, yeah, that was the best musical show I’ve ever seen and the most memorable birthday I had. Coz of the precious memory it left me! And the live concert itself has some sentimental value to me.
Which sports is watched by both young people and the old people in your country?
Are people watching the American balls game in your country, like the baseball
Do you think that there are too many sports programmes in the TV?
Why do you think many companies use the athletes to advertisement?
Do you think instead of watching sports games, many people are too lazy to do
How you feel about the advertising that use the sports stars
怎樣能夠聽出這些發(fā)音的區(qū)別呢?一種方法就是對廣播或電視節(jié)目(如:新聞)錄音30秒。 然后自己重述,以此來對比自己的發(fā)音與廣播電視節(jié)目里發(fā)音的不同。
當你練習發(fā)音時,學習怎樣連讀尤其困難。當一個單詞是以輔音結束而下一個單詞是以元音開始的時候,這時兩個單詞可以連讀。 在“jumps over”中,第一個單詞的結尾輔音應與下一個單詞的元音連讀。 例如,“She works in an old office”聽起來的發(fā)音應該是“She work-si-na-nol-doffice.”
Describe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down in your travel
You should say:
Where it happened
When it happened
Who you were with at that time
And what impacts this breakdown had
Describe a time you solved a problem through the Internet
You should say:
What the problem was
How you solved this problem
How long it took to solve this problem
And how you felt about it
Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future
You should say:
What it is
Where you would like to try it
How difficult it is
And why you would like to try it
Describe an experience that you went out with your friends and had a good time
You should say:
Where you went
When you went out
What you did
And explain why you had a good time
Describe an unusual experience of traveling
You should say:
Where you went
When you went there
Who you were with
What you did there
And explain why it is unusual
雅思口語話題:看過的體育賽事共6篇 雅思體育類話題相關文章:
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